The Current Landscape of Dry Bulk Chartering: Key Trends and How They Impact Your Business

The dry bulk shipping industry is navigating a dynamic landscape, with various trends shaping the future of chartering. As we look ahead to 2024-2025, it's crucial for charterers, shipowners, and brokers to understand these key developments and their potential impact on business operations. In this blog post, we'll explore the latest insights from the BIMCO Dry Bulk Shipping Report and discuss how they can influence your chartering strategies.

Rising Global Economy Boosts Demand

One of the most significant trends is the projected rise in global economic activity, which is expected to drive increased demand for dry bulk shipping services. As the world economy rebounds, the demand for raw materials and commodities transported by dry bulk vessels will surge. This trend presents opportunities for charterers to secure reliable transportation for their cargoes and for ship owners to capitalize on the growing market.

Iron Ore Shipments Lead the Way

The report highlights a particular focus on iron ore shipments, which are currently booming. This trend is likely to continue, as major iron ore producers ramp up production to meet the rising demand from steel manufacturers. Charterers with iron ore cargoes should closely monitor this trend and consider locking in long-term contracts to ensure reliable transportation. Shipowners, on the other hand, may want to allocate more capacity to the iron ore trade to capitalize on the strong demand.

Grain Trends on the Horizon

While iron ore shipments are currently in the spotlight, the report also suggests that grain trends will be the next area of focus. As global populations grow and dietary habits shift, the demand for grains is expected to rise. Charterers with grain cargoes should closely monitor this trend and consider diversifying their portfolios to include grain shipments. Ship owners may want to explore opportunities in the grain trade, as it could provide a stable source of revenue in the coming years.

Stable Fleet Size and Slower Speeds

The report also notes that the dry bulk fleet size is expected to remain stable due to low recycling rates. This trend could lead to increased competition among ship owners, as they vie for a limited number of chartering opportunities. Charterers may benefit from this trend, as they may have more options when selecting vessels for their cargoes. However, ship owners may need to explore ways to differentiate their services, such as offering more efficient vessels or providing value-added services to their clients.

Additionally, the report suggests that slower speeds will be a trend in the coming years, driven by the need for a greener future. This trend could lead to increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, but it may also result in longer transit times and higher costs for charterers. Shipowners may need to invest in more fuel-efficient vessels or explore alternative fuels to remain competitive in this environment.

As the dry bulk shipping industry navigates these trends, it's essential for charterers, shipowners, and brokers to stay informed and adapt their strategies accordingly. By understanding the key developments in the market and their potential impact on business operations, stakeholders can make informed decisions and position themselves for success in the coming years.

Dry Bulk Market Analysis: Overview of Current trends and future predictions in the dry bulk shipping markets.

  • Cargo Flow Changes: Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian coal exports have remained stable in volume, but tonne miles have increased by 55% due to the EU ban on Russian coal1.
  • China’s Impact: China’s coal imports surged due to incentives for stockpiling and the reopening of imports from Australia, though exports to China have recently decreased by 8%.
  • Coal Shipments: Coal shipments peaked in 2018 and have been declining, with the IEA predicting a 10% fall in coal trade volumes between 2023 and 20252.
  • Marine Protected Areas: The High Seas Treaty aims to create MPAs in the high seas, which could affect shipping routes and speeds once ratified by 60 nations.

At Crab, we're committed to helping our users navigate the complex world of dry bulk chartering. Our digital marketplace provides a secure and efficient platform for charterers and ship owners to connect and transact. To learn more about how Crab can help your business thrive in the current landscape of dry bulk chartering, visit